Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Choco Mocha cha cha cha

What a fantastic Valentine's day! I go to my door and not only is there a High School Musical themed card from my sister (my 36 year old sister, by the way. Who has no children. Who went to the store to buy High School Musical cards. For me. Who's HSM knowledges begins and ends with that nudie picture and that you can now see see High School Musical ON ICE!), there is also a box of Choco Mocha meringues! I don't know much about meringue, I always equated it with Lemon Meringue pie, which I've never had, so this was really a surprise. Uber chocolately (cocoa meringue WITH chocolate chips) and deliciously chewy! I actually changed things up a bit by eating one with a banana, alternating bites. Awesome! Now I have to come up with something to bake!

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